How to Clean Up a Hydrochloric Acid Spill

Use extreme care in handling this extremely corrosive, poisonous acid, which can cause severe damage to all body tissues. If a small amount of the acid is spilled, it should immediately be contained and neutralized to prevent harm to anyone or damage to whatever it was spilled on.

When using hydrochloric acid, always wear protective clothing and gear, such as eye goggles and gloves.

Your Chemical Spill Response

Amphomag® is ideal to have in your safety and spill response supplies to neutralize small amounts of chemical spills like hydrochloric acid.

  • Use quickly and safely to treat spills
  • No dangerous side effects
  • No dangerous gas, heating, or splashing

Amphomag Beats the Competition

Compared to other spill clean-up products, Amphomag is a one-stop hazardous spill neutralizer. Some spill absorbents, such as OIL-DRI, cannot absorb hydrochloric acid. Amphomag can, with its unique pH indicator to identify and neutralize most hazardous spills. Discover other ways Amphomag is the better solution.

Most chemical spill response steps for laboratories need at least 5 steps in their instructions for use before you can apply a neutralizing agent. Even then, you have to find the right neutralizing agent.

Contain and neutralize any spill quicker with Amphomag® – it is the right product for chemical spills.  Order today.

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