Keep Your Fire and Emergency Response Departments Safe with Amphomag®

The versatility of Amphomag allows Fire and Emergency Response Departments to take immediate control of hazardous spills, allowing for an increased margin of safety at a scene.
- Single product – neutralizes bases and acids in one shaker
- Quicker response time– No guessing at identity of spilled hazardous materials.
- No misapplication– Ability to handle acids and bases.
- Safely control–spilled liquids and keep from entering the environment
Upon arrival at the scene, it is crucial to contain the situation by reacting quickly and without hesitation. This includes keeping spilled hazardous materials from coming in contact with Fire and Emergency Response personnel, accident victims, as well as entering the environment.
Amphomag Universal Spill Neutralizer does two important things when applied:
- Adsorbs the Liquid – Does not spread and potentially enter the environment or come into contact with people.
- Neutralizes the Liquid – Reduces strong acids and bases to a neutral pH creating a much safer situation.

Learn more on how this universal clean-up product works.
For more information related to specific experience relevant to your application, please contact us.

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